
Scotland's Census 2022 - Fife Overview

Key Headlines

Census 2022 Fife Total population 371,781

Census 2022 Fife Total Households 169,573

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Census Outputs

Fife Briefings are being produced on each of the topics as they become available dependent on the timetable for the release of data from Scotland's Census 2022.

Briefings that are now available include:

Ethnic Group, National Identity, Language and Religion

Population and Household size

Armed Forces Veterans

Sexual orientation and trans status or history

Demography and migration


Education, Labour Market and Travel to work

Health, disability and unpaid care

The findings from these briefings are explored in more depth in the Equalities report

A summary of this is available here Equalities key findings

Statistical publications created by  NRS can be found here 2022 results | Scotland's Census

When is further data expected to be available from Scotland's Census 2022?

Outputs from Scotland's Census 2022 will be published in phases.  A copy of the Scottish Census 2022 outputs release schedule can be found on the Scotland's Census website. National Records of Scotland are clear to highlight that these timings are provisional and are subject to change.

Scotland's Census 2022 Flexible Table Builder

A new feature which allows you to create tables combining multiple census variables.