
Contact us

General enquiries

If you have any questions, comments or general enquiries about the KnowFife Hub please contact :

Kay Thomson, Research Advisor, Fife Council, via

The Research Team, via

Sharing your own research findings

If you wish to share a piece of research you have produced that would be of benefit to Fife Partnership Partners please contact :

Kay Thomson, Research Advisor, Fife Council via

Undertaking research

If you wish to obtain guidance, support or to have research undertaken you should contact :

Coryn Barclay, Research Manager, Fife Council, via in the first instance to discuss your requirements.

Become a member of the Researchers’ Alliance

If you work for a partner agency in Fife, such as Fife Council, NHS Fife, or  Fife Voluntary Action, and are undertaking research you can become part of the Researchers’ Alliance, contact :

Kay Thomson, Research Advisor, Fife Council via